Hogwarts School of English and Wizardry

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Hogwarts School of English and Wizardry by Mind Map: Hogwarts School of English and Wizardry

1. Schedule

1.1. Presentation

1.2. Sorting Hat

1.3. Team building

1.4. Didactic Units' development

1.4.1. Muggle Studies (vocabulary)

1.4.2. Charms (listening and speaking by croma)

1.4.3. Defense Against the Dark Arts (use of English)

1.4.4. History of Magic (reading and writing)

1.4.5. Transfiguration (grammar)

2. Evaluation

2.1. Formal evaluation

2.1.1. Geek-exams (theme exams) 50%

2.2. Co-evaluation

2.2.1. Rubric 15%

2.3. Self-evaluation

2.3.1. Rubric 15%

2.4. Assessment

2.4.1. Rubric 20%

3. Paper

3.1. existence of new methodologies

3.2. close learning environment

3.2.1. Pisa evaluations

3.2.2. tendency to focalize on real or daily situations

3.2.3. world of imagination and creativity proper of their age

3.3. why gamification

3.3.1. not worked in isolation

3.3.2. challenge

3.3.3. motivational tool

3.4. improvement of external evaluations

3.5. continuity

4. Objectives

4.1. Improve English grades (not less than 7)

4.2. Upgrade LOMCE's level (5/6 or 6/6)

4.3. 100% presented students achieving KET

4.4. Creating a general satisfaction regarding the subject

5. Methodology

5.1. Gamification

5.2. Cooperative Learning

5.3. Project Based Learning