Differences between Input+Output

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Differences between Input+Output by Mind Map: Differences between Input+Output

1. Hardware: is defined as what makes up the different parts of a device or computer.

2. Pros and Cons

2.1. Pros: Can be consistently upgraded as technology advances

2.2. Cons: can be costly, size may be too big, may be defective

3. Output Devices: They are what the information is sent to to be displayed such as a monitor or screen.

4. Example: TV screen, mobile devices, etc.

5. Hardware + Software

6. Pros and Cons:

6.1. Pros: Students can use the software as part of their classes and adapt as the software advances and become more independent.

6.2. Cons: Children may not be able to use the software and it may not be suitable depending on the classroom situation.

7. Input Devices: They are what information is fed into through a computer or other devices

8. Example: Keyboard, tablet

9. Software: Something in a device that is intangible.