Active Learning in a Photography Course

Active Learning defined in a photography course as it relates to active learning strategies and learning environments.

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Active Learning in a Photography Course by Mind Map: Active Learning in a Photography Course

1. Employing Active Learning Strategies

1.1. Case Studies

1.1.1. Copyright and Photographers Rights

1.2. Structured Academic Controversary

1.2.1. Photographers facing ethical dilemmas

1.3. Concept Maps

1.3.1. Rules of Composition and developing your own concept map.

1.4. Advance Organizers

1.4.1. Flowcharts or Mind Maps

1.5. Authentic Learning

1.5.1. Being a professional photographer for a day

1.6. Inquiry Based Strategies

1.6.1. Students evaluate their work by asking questions and learning from experienced photographers

1.7. Chunking

1.7.1. Creating smaller visual guides and shorter lecture for students

1.8. Pause Technique

1.8.1. Pausing during lectures to allow student reflection and discussion

2. Active Learning Defined

2.1. Problem Based Learning

2.1.1. Groups projects to answer problems and enhance knowledge acquisition.

2.2. Collaborative Learning

2.2.1. Working towards a common goal as a group.

2.3. Cooperative Learning

2.3.1. Working on a goal as a group but evaluated individually

3. Learning Environments

3.1. Flipped Classrooms

3.1.1. Creating the material for students to review and using class time for discussions and project based learning

3.2. Active Learning Spaces

3.2.1. Arranging the classroom for collaboration and cooperative activities, learning, and group discussion.

3.3. Online Learning Environments

3.3.1. Offering an online sharing site for discussion of photos and learning concepts

3.4. Blended Learning Environments

3.4.1. Online

3.4.2. Face to Face