Present Continuous

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1. travel - travelling regret - regretting

2. travel & regret

3. lie - lying die - dying

4. lie & die

5. get - getting sit - sitting swim - swimming skip - skipping

6. 1 syllable ending 1 vowel + 1 consonant

7. s + be (-) + v + ing + c. I'm not/ am not playing the violin. She isn't/ is not reading a book. They aren't / are not talking on the phone

8. s+ be + v +ing + c I'm/ am playing the violin. She's/ is reading a book. They're / are talking on the phone.

9. Negative

10. Affirmative

11. used to talk about temporary actions used to talk about actions that are happening at the moment of speaking.

12. its form

13. Verb Formation

14. kiss - kissing eat - eating go - going play - playing

15. make - making take - taking shake - shaking

16. verbs ending with e

16.1. all other verbs

17. (Wh) be + s + v + ing + c? Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am / No, I'm not. Is she working right now? Yes, she is / No, she isn't. What are you donig now? I'm watching T.V.

18. Question

19. Time Expressions

19.1. Today At the moment At present These days Nowadays Now This week Right now