Residential Schools

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Residential Schools by Mind Map: Residential Schools

1. Guest Speakers

1.1. Local elders with stories

1.2. Eddy Robinson - indigenous educator and activist

1.3. Geraldine Robertson - Aamjiwnaang elder and residential school survivor

1.4. Survivor Guest Speakers - Woodland Cultural Centre; Brantford, ON

2. Videos

2.1. "Wawahte: Stories of Residential School Survivors - FULL DOCUMENTARY" (older grades)

2.2. "We Are The Children" - Our Stories...Our Survival Collection of Videos

2.3. "Stolen Children | Residential School survivors speak out"

2.4. "A residential school survivor shares his story of trauma and healing"

3. Field Trips

3.1. Mohawk Institute Residential School; Brantford, ON

3.2. Aamjiwnaang First Nations Reserve

3.3. Local Pow-Wows

3.4. Oneida Nation of the Thames

3.5. Chippewas of the Thames First Nation

4. Textbooks, Stories, Articles

4.1. "A history of residential schools in Canada" - A history of residential schools in Canada | CBC News

4.2. "Residential schools have negative health impacts on descendants of survivors: survey" - Residential schools have negative health impacts on descendants of survivors: survey

4.3. They Called Me Number One: Secrets and Survival at an Indian Residential School - Novel

4.4. A Knock on the Door: The Essential History of Residential Schools - Novel