Macías, D. & Sánchez, J. (2015). Classroom Management: A Persistent Challenge for Pre-Service Fo...

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Macías, D. & Sánchez, J. (2015). Classroom Management: A Persistent Challenge for Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers by Mind Map: Macías, D. & Sánchez, J. (2015). Classroom Management: A Persistent Challenge  for Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers

1. Findings

1.1. Classroom Management affects teaching regardless of subject or experience

1.1.1. Not exclusive to language teaching

1.1.2. Instructional time

1.1.3. Unreal contexts - Ideal learner

1.1.4. High temperatures

1.1.5. Noise

1.1.6. Overcrowded classrooms

1.1.7. Students do not see them as teachers

1.1.8. Unwillingness to participate

1.2. Pre-service teachers' approaches to managing the classroom

1.2.1. Rules/consequences

1.2.2. Talk louder

1.2.3. Notes in students' notebooks

1.2.4. Intimidating with low grades

1.2.5. Seek assistance

1.2.6. Motivating students - Positive feedback

1.2.7. Dynamic activities

1.3. Alternatives for improving classroom management

1.3.1. Offer opportunities in real contexts

1.3.2. Course on classroom management

1.3.3. More supervision and feedback

1.3.4. More time in school contexts

1.3.5. Seminars, debates and talks by in-service teachers

2. Conclusions

2.1. Classroom Management is a serious problem for pre-service teachers

2.2. Inherent in teacher profession

2.3. Most use an Authoritarian approach

2.4. Necessity of early involvement

2.5. More alternatives

3. Literature review

3.1. Classroom management (Brophy, 1996)

3.2. Practice teaching (Richards and Crokes, 1988)

3.3. Ploblem solving in Classroom Management (Wolfgang and Glickman, 1986)

3.4. Assertive discipline model (Canter and Cander, 1976)

3.5. Withitness and overlapping model (Kounin, 1970)

3.6. Choice theory model (Glasser, 1990)

4. Method

4.1. Qualitative descriptive orientation

4.1.1. Questionnaire

4.1.2. Semi-structured interview

4.2. Participants

4.2.1. 34 pre-service teachers

4.2.2. 10 practicum supervisors

4.2.3. 17 cooperating teachers in the ELT teacher education program

4.3. Context

4.3.1. Undergraduate EFL teacher education program Public University in Colombia

5. Data Collection and Analysis

5.1. Triangulation

5.2. Grounded theory

5.2.1. 1. Open coding

5.2.2. 2. Axial coding

5.2.3. 3. Selective coding

6. Recomendations

6.1. Integrate the practical and theoretical input

6.2. School-University partnerships