Virtual School Library

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Virtual School Library by Mind Map: Virtual School Library

1. Maker Space

1.1. 3D Printer

1.2. Microbits

1.3. Robotics (Spheros, LEGO robots, Makey Makey)

1.4. Electronics Kit

1.4.1. Motors

1.4.2. Wires

1.4.3. Batteries

1.4.4. Swiches

1.4.5. LEDs

1.5. Green Screen

1.6. LEGO/K'nex Education

1.6.1. Cogs

1.6.2. Pullys

2. Virtual Reality

2.1. Computer Aided Design

2.1.1. TinkerCAD

2.1.2. Google SketchUp

2.1.3. Blender

2.2. Google Cardboard VR

2.2.1. Code Simple VR

2.2.2. Google Expeditions (Virtual Field Trips)

2.2.3. Build Simple VR Headset

2.3. Nintendo LABO VR Kit

3. Internet Access

3.1. Bookmarked Websites

3.2. Blogs

3.2.1. Lists of student created content

3.2.2. Educational Blogs for Kids

3.2.3. Write their own (Silver Birch)

3.3. Podcasts

3.3.1. Speakers, Microphones, Headphones avaliable

3.3.2. Students Create there own Podcasts?

3.4. Posters - list useful websites

3.4.1. For Research Pebble Go! Britannica Kids/Britannica School

3.4.2. For Practice (Math, Typing, Word games..)

3.4.3. For Organization/Collobration

4. Coding

4.1. Code-A-Pillar

4.2. Scratch

4.3. Microbits

4.4. Hour of Code -

4.5. Macromedia Flash

4.6. Sploder! (Video Game Creation)

4.7. Unity