Tutor Program Yearly Workflow

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Tutor Program Yearly Workflow by Mind Map: Tutor Program Yearly Workflow

1. Spring Term Final Exams (April 30th-May 6th)

2. Columbus Day (October 14th)

3. Monday's Schedule (October 15th)

3.1. Peer Tutor Appreciation Week

4. Thanksgiving Break (November 27th-29th)

4.1. Double check to make sure that you have tutors for the Spring AP1 Semester and to cover P2 (second semester) and P3 Courses--if not make additional hires

4.2. Do a 2 hour live CRLA Level II training before Thanksgiving break

5. Fall Final Exams (December 9th- 13th)

5.1. Tutoring ends the week before finals

5.2. Peer Tutor Observations due before last day of tutoring

6. Winter Break (December 16th-January 10th)

6.1. Map out training and meeting dates for the fall semester

6.2. Compile spring drop in hours for both Albany and Vermont

7. First Day of Spring Term (January 13th)

7.1. Do another 2 hour Live CRLA II training early in January

7.2. Finish drop-in before MLK day

8. MLK Day (January 20th)

8.1. Tutoring starts the day after MLK Day

8.2. PTOY survey goes out end of January/mid February

9. President's Day (February 17th)

9.1. Tutor applications go out after President's Day

10. Monday Schedule (February 18th)

10.1. Poll current tutors about availability for the summer in Albany and Vermont (3 tutors in Vermont AP1 classes) and (3-4 Albany)

10.2. POTY Survey due end of February

10.3. One more live CRLA Level 2 training in late February early March

11. Spring Break (March 9th-13th)

11.1. Recruitment applications due before Spring Break

11.2. Interviews take place a the end of March and beginning of April

11.3. Hire Nephrology Residents for the summer

11.4. Make sure tutors know about the due date for CRLA Certification Trainings

11.5. Order awards for party

11.6. Coordinate with Vermont for Tutor Recognition party/gifts there

12. Reading Day (April 29th)

12.1. Decisions for Albany/Vermont non-accelerated program should be made by this point (email student_employment with list and hour estimates)

12.2. Tutoring ends the day before Reading day

12.3. POTY Recognition Dinner in the last two weeks of Classes

13. Summer Session Begins Again AP1 (July 8th)

14. First Day of Classes AP1 (Summer Session June 3rd)

14.1. AP1 Tutors Start

15. AP1 Orientation (May 28th-30th)

16. Summer Session I 4 yr (May 20th)

16.1. Albany Summer Session I tutors start

17. Summer Break College Wide (July 1st-5th)

18. Summer Term Final Exams College Wide (August 15th)

19. AP1 Summer Break (August 12th-15th)

20. Fall Term Begins College Wide (August 26th)

20.1. Live CRLA Level 1 Training in first week of classes 6 hrs

20.2. One CRLA live training a months for the whole semester be clear tutors need to complete their live training in the fall

20.3. Finish drop-in schedule by mid week

21. Labor Day (September 2nd)

21.1. Tutors start the day after Labor Day

21.2. Peer Tutor Observations--Ask for observers,, send video training to observers, have observers sign up to observe new tutors and then have them start contacting new tutors

22. Commencement (May 9th)

22.1. Finalize AP1 schedule by mid may

23. Memorial Day (May 27th)

24. Summer Session I 4yr Final Exams (June 24th-28th)

25. Summer Session I Ends (June 28th)

25.1. Summer Session I Tutors End

26. Summer Session II Begins 4 yr (July 8th)

26.1. Sumer Session II Tutors Start

26.2. Map out training and meeting dates for the fall semester

26.3. Confirm SAC Tutors returning (if not hire new tutors)

27. Summer Session II 4 yr Ends (August 16th)

27.1. Send out CRLA video, tracking sheets, and timesheet videos to tutors

27.2. Verify tutor subjects for the upcoming year to make sure the spreadsheet is right

27.3. Summer Session II Tutors End

27.4. Contact tutors about drop-in availability 2 weeks before the start of the semester

27.5. SAC Request to Hire Forms

28. P1 Orientation 4yr (August 23rd)

29. 1st year/Transfer Orientation August 20th-23rd)