1. The function of the three reliabilities in learning and assessment are:
2. Test - retest reliability
3. Three types of Validity
4. Internal Consistency reliability
5. Three types of Reliability
6. Test -retest reliability is important for learning and assessment
7. Alternative reliability
8. Internal consistency reliability is important to learning and assessment
9. Construct validity
10. Content validity
11. Reliability is the consistent results produced by measurement a devices.
12. Alternative reliability is important for learning and assessment
13. Construct validity is important to learning and assessment
14. Validity is the degree to which evidence support the accuracy of test -based inferences.
15. The meaning of content, criterion-related, and construct validity
16. Content validity is important for learning and assessments
17. The meaning of test-retest, alternative, and internal reliability
18. Reliability: Does it test yield consistent results.
19. Validity and reliability play a major role in learning and assessment. They provide the methods and tools necessary to conduct various forms of measurements. These methods and tools help guarantee that the tests are measuring what they are claiming to measure, and the measurements are consistent. Validity and reliability are refered to as the truthfulness of something.
20. Validity: Does it test measure what it claims to measure.
21. Criterion - related validity
22. Criterion - related validity is important to learning and assessment
23. The function of the three validities in learning and assessment are: