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Learner by Mind Map: Learner

1. Assesment of Adultness

1.1. Chronological Age

1.1.1. brain development

1.2. Educational Path

1.2.1. Traditional Student (HS to College; College to GS)

1.3. Independance

1.3.1. Financial

1.3.2. Emotional

1.4. Family/Work Resonsibilites

1.5. What is learner(s) social role ?

2. Type of Learner

2.1. Stages of Self-Direction and Educators Role

2.1.1. Stage One Teacher-Centric

2.1.2. Stage Two Motivator Guide

2.1.3. Stage Three Facilitator Partner

2.1.4. Stage Four Consultant Delegator Mentor

2.1.5. Educator can guide student in reflection process

2.2. Self Motivated/Other Directed

2.3. Self-Motivated/Self Directed

2.4. Self Directed Learner

2.4.1. Attribute?

2.4.2. Process?

2.4.3. differs from self-regulation

2.5. Required Learning

2.5.1. Obtain Certification/Liceansure

2.5.2. Maintain Certification

2.5.3. Workplace Training

3. Lesson/Subject Objective of Lesson

3.1. Evaluation of core assumptions and considering of those of others

3.2. Imparting of new information which learners are unfamiliar with.

3.3. Assessment

3.3.1. learner knowledge by educator

3.3.2. self assessment of knowledge

4. Learning Environment

4.1. informal

4.2. formal

4.2.1. teacher centric

4.3. Non-formal

4.4. Learning "environment" as creating a safe Place for learning

4.4.1. emotionally safe

4.4.2. allow time for reflection

4.4.3. Nonjudgmental

4.4.4. conversational

4.4.5. "You will never teach anyone anything if you do not give them space to fail." --Me

5. Potential Barriers/Resistance to Learning

5.1. Fear

5.2. Anxiety

5.3. Diversity

5.4. Cultural expectations and backgrounds

5.4.1. women

5.4.2. minorities

5.5. financial

5.6. family/work obligations

5.7. prior experiences

5.7.1. learner having been told that they can not do something

5.7.2. negative experiences such as failing grades

5.7.3. Negative experiences such a doing poorly or losing a job.

5.8. Oppressed

5.9. low self-esteem

5.10. Lack of math or reading and computer literacy

5.11. Does not have training or skill level for Course work or Responsibilities

6. Dewy

7. Mezirow

7.1. Ten Steps of Transformative Learning

7.2. rational, organized, cognitive process

7.3. Three learning domains

7.3.1. Instrumental/Technical Learning

7.3.2. Dialogic/communication/ Practical Knowledge

7.3.3. Self-reflective/ Emancipatory Knowledge

8. Physical Learning Environment

8.1. on-line (Virtual learning environments)

8.2. classroom

8.3. community

8.3.1. socioeconomics of community family support Learning opportunities

8.4. work

8.5. Learning spaces

8.5.1. Microsystem

8.5.2. Mesosystem

8.5.3. exosystem

8.5.4. Macrosystem

9. Transformative Learning Theory

9.1. Extra-Transformative

9.1.1. Soul work

9.1.2. Spirituality

9.2. Mezirow Rational (Four critical of ten steps)

9.2.1. Experience/disorienting dilemma

9.2.2. Critical Reflection

9.2.3. Reflection discourse

9.2.4. Action

9.3. Social Change

9.3.1. learners

9.3.2. dialogue

9.3.3. concerns proposed discussed examined reflected on

9.4. Transformative Organizational Change

9.4.1. workplace

9.5. Reflection is the cornerstone of transformation

10. Experential Learning (Applying and adapting previous experience to new situations; Relationship b/w learning and life experiences.)

10.1. Dewy

10.1.1. Educative

10.1.2. Miseducative

10.1.3. Reservoir of Experience

10.2. Kolb's Model

10.2.1. Concrete experience abilities (CE)

10.2.2. Reflective observation abilities (RO)

10.2.3. Abstract conceptualizing abilities (AC)

10.2.4. Active Experimentation Abilities (AE)

10.3. Schon/ Boud

10.3.1. Reflective-In Action Practice occurs while engaged in action

10.3.2. Reflective On Action Practice thinking about it after

10.3.3. reflection is instrinsic

10.4. “I’ve never made a mistake. I’ve only learned from experience.” Thomas Edison

10.5. Can everyone reflect?

11. Foundational (General) Learning Theories

11.1. Behaviorsim

11.1.1. Learning is a change in behaviorsim

11.2. Humanism

11.2.1. Learning is about the development of the person

11.3. Cognitivism

11.3.1. Learning is a mental process

11.4. Social Cognition Group

11.4.1. Learning is social on context bound

11.5. Constructivism

11.5.1. Learning is creating meaning from experience

12. Androgogy

12.1. Assumptions of Adult Learners

12.1.1. Self-concept

12.2. Self concept dependent to self-directing

12.3. Reservoir of Knowledge

12.4. developmental: social roles create need for learning. What is learner(s)' social role?

12.5. Knowledge for immediate application

12.6. Internal rather than external motivation

12.7. Need to know reason

13. Learning Theories

14. Knowles

14.1. Assumptions of Adult Learners

14.2. Experiential Learning Theory

14.3. Notes prior experience can be barrior to learning

14.4. Learning Contracts

14.5. Self-Directed Learning

15. Kolb

15.1. Six assumptions

15.2. Learning best conceived as process

15.3. continuous process grounded in experience

15.4. learning requires resolution of conflicts b/w dialectically opposed mode of adaptation to the world

15.5. learning is Holistic process of adapatation

15.6. Learning involves interaction between the person and the environment =

15.7. learning is the process of creating knowledge

16. Grow

17. SDL Myths

17.1. All-or-nothing

17.2. implies learning in isolation

17.3. is best approach for adults

17.4. is limited to white/middle class

17.5. not worth the time

17.6. limited to reading/writing

17.7. easy way out for teachers

17.8. limited primarily to those settings where freedom and democracy exist

17.9. a fad

17.10. will erode with the quality of institutional programs

18. Deci and Ryan

19. Garrison

19.1. Built on Knowles definition of SDL

19.2. SDL Affected by

19.2.1. self management

19.2.2. self-monitoring

19.2.3. intrinsic motivation

19.2.4. extrinsic motivation

20. Learning Contracts

21. Constructive-Development Theory

21.1. Constructivisim

21.1.1. Heron Reason Parpicatory World View Ontology espistemology Methodology axiology

21.1.2. Experential Learning

21.2. Developmentalism

21.3. Subject-Object

21.3.1. Stage 0 Incorpative (Infants)

21.3.2. Stage 1 Impulsive (children)

21.3.3. Stage 2 Instrumental

21.3.4. Stage 3 Socializing (An Adult Stage) knows right and wrong subjective, but Individual still subject to judgments of others can not yet set own's own values

21.3.5. Stage 4 Self Authoring Stage Governed by Reflective Self Guided by their OWN values Can distinguish there own values from those of others

21.3.6. Stage 5 Self Transforming Challenge the assumptions on which their values are bases They can examine other value systems can integrate them into their own, or keep them separate but recognize the other value system

22. Dirkx

22.1. soul work

23. Tisdell

23.1. spirituality

23.1.1. connection

23.1.2. meaning making

23.1.3. identity development

24. Freire

25. Schon

25.1. Reflective- in and on

26. Boud

26.1. reflection is intrinsic occurs

26.2. reflection is under valued

26.3. must be actively worked into learning

27. Critical Learning Theory

27.1. gives a framework for critiquing social conditions

27.2. challenges universal truths

27.3. seeks elimination of oppression

27.4. critical thinking is the ability to assess your assumptions, beliefs and actions

28. Assessments

29. Cognitive Functioning

29.1. biological aging

29.1.1. brain development frontal Cortex understanding of context of actions "brain age" CNS

29.2. senses

29.3. CNS

30. Reflection

30.1. Associated with a number of theories

30.2. Is essential to the learning process

30.2.1. Learning is essential to growth

30.2.2. must be actively incorporated into the learning process

30.3. is critical/ logical

30.4. is emotional and wrought with feelings

30.5. provides opportunities for students and educators to interact- which fosters understanding

30.6. Skill that most people are Deficient in

31. Heron and Reason

31.1. hands on learning

31.2. concerned with how people learn

32. Educator/Institution

33. Brookfield

34. Boud and Walker

34.1. context into experential learning