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Benefits by Mind Map: Benefits

1. Stakeholder Buy-in

1.1. Inclusivity

1.2. Increased understanding of limitations and strengths of govt.

1.3. Trust

1.4. Advocates within the community

1.5. Champions

1.6. Less opposition

1.7. Increased acceptance

1.8. Shared understanding

1.9. Ownership

1.10. Better chance for compliance and support

1.11. Credibility

1.12. Universal adoption or acceptance of policy/ownership

1.13. Buy-in

1.14. Increase implementation success

2. Wide Scope

2.1. Broader and more perspectives

2.2. More robust policy

2.3. Decrease unintended consequences

2.4. Step out of silos

2.5. Reduce assumptions

2.6. Better understanding of perspectives, challenges, benefits, etc.

2.7. Ensure perspectives from diverse groups

3. Question 1: What benefits would co-creating policy bring to AF's Work?

4. Innovation

4.1. More creative, expanded solutions

4.2. Increases ability to measure performance/impact

4.3. Better options

4.4. More facets to policy

4.5. Increased efficiency

4.6. Creative ideas from public

4.7. Leverage expertise and knowledge

4.8. Collaborative prioritization

5. Managing Expectations

5.1. inclusive of all stakeholders

5.2. awareness building

5.3. Influence on local policies

5.4. Build relationships and trust

5.5. Stakeholders are heard

5.6. More informed approach

5.7. Mindful direction

5.8. More sharing between parties

6. Operational

6.1. not-re-inventing the wheel for multiple issues

6.2. Avoid feelings of stepping on toes

6.3. Internally ensures collaboration

6.4. Sharing at all levels of the organization

6.5. Increasing resource capacity

7. Process

7.1. Not constrained by govt. limitations

7.2. Clarity early on

7.3. Input right from the start

7.4. Flush out problems and solutions

7.5. Commitment to implement

7.6. Coordinated

7.7. Potentially easier creation process

7.8. Increased collaboration

7.9. Decrease strain on consultation (pilot)

8. Responsive

8.1. Responsive to stakeholder needs

8.2. Increased govt. understanding of stakeeholder strengths

8.3. More nuances

8.4. Mindset becomes solutions-focused

8.5. Opportunity to be proactive