Sanctions Impact Analysis

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Sanctions Impact Analysis by Mind Map: Sanctions Impact Analysis

1. Corporate Broker/TSB Impact

1.1. Changes in the broker/TSB rule

1.1.1. Check the existing rules and priority of the rules and how new rule affects the existing

1.2. Change in existing Payments Message received or Addition of message Types (e.g. SWIFT Standard Changes)

1.2.1. Check with Fincrime team if the newly introduced messages/Fields needs to be screened

1.2.2. Ensure Broker message set is able to handle the newly introduced fields/messages

1.3. Infrastructure changes

1.4. Broker update/SAT DB updates etc etc

1.5. AML-C/Downstream Feeds Impact

1.5.1. Explain the changes to AML-C /Downstream system and in case changes required the same should be reflect in the feed and tested.

1.6. Addition of traffic

2. Fircosoft Impact

2.1. Screening Impact

2.1.1. FML Changes

2.1.2. XML Mapping changes

2.1.3. Changes to Filter engine

2.1.4. DRAP automation impact

2.1.5. Cut off rules changes

2.2. Maintenance impact

2.2.1. Tuning Data impact

2.2.2. Spike Analysis Impact

2.3. Utilities Impact

2.3.1. FML impact

2.3.2. FMM impact

2.3.3. FUM impact

2.4. Continuity Impact

2.4.1. Addition of mandator

2.4.2. Workflow changes

3. Vrisk Impact

3.1. Screening changes

3.1.1. DSL/DSR Changes

3.1.2. DEF FIle changes

3.2. Changes related to Mandator

3.2.1. Security Module

3.3. Configurations of different Vrisk applications such as Vcheck/Vwatch/vStat etc

3.3.1. VRules

3.4. Vrisk upgrade/Infra Upgrade

3.5. Changes to world check structure