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EndoJournalStudies by Mind Map: EndoJournalStudies

1. Lipids

2. Bone&Minerals

2.1. CT scan Dexa

3. Obesity and Adiposity

3.1. Leptin

3.1.1. Bromocriptine Dopamine pathway

3.2. Growth hormone

3.2.1. Circadian Growth Hormone Secretion

3.3. DA

3.3.1. DA reward causing obesity D2R binding capacity in the brain of obese humans is reduced in proportion to body mass index (BMI)

4. Thyroid

4.1. Thyroid Cancer

4.2. Hypothyroidism

4.2.1. Subclincal Treat McDermott, 2001, JCEM

5. Diabetes

5.1. UKPDS

5.1.1. UKPDS-10yrs follow

5.2. DCCT

5.2.1. DCCT-EDIC

6. Cardiovascular disease

6.1. Jupitor Study

7. Pituitary Disease