Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking por Mind Map: Human Trafficking

1. Human traffickers

1.1. To recruit

1.2. Harbour

1.3. Transport

1.4. Provides higher number of victims for commercial sexual activity or forced labor

2. Solutions

2.1. Raise awareness

2.2. Never support human trafficking

2.3. Don't entertain suspicious users online

2.4. Report any suspicious activities related

3. Internet

3.1. Internet as a tool to victimize people

3.1.1. Cybecrime

3.1.2. Black market(selling children online

3.1.3. Distribution of child abuse material

3.2. Contributes negatively

3.2.1. Online social media facilitates human trafficking

3.2.2. Stranger's friend request

4. Root Causes

4.1. High unemployment rate

4.2. Oppression

4.3. Poverty

5. Global issue

5.1. Biggest sector of trafficking in the world

6. Modern Slavery

6.1. Forced labour

6.2. Debt Bondage

6.3. Sexual Slavery