Product Management Success in the CEO eyes

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Product Management Success in the CEO eyes by Mind Map: Product Management Success in the CEO eyes

1. How to create an impact ?

1.1. Revenue & profit impact

1.1.1. An example of a revenue impact in a company with a mature product

1.1.2. An example of profit impact in a company with a new product

1.2. Internal impact

1.2.1. An example of internal impact by building a colleborative work plan

1.3. Customer Impact

1.3.1. An example of customer impact in a business driven company

1.3.2. An example of customer impact in a customer driven company

2. What does a CEO consider product management success ?

2.1. The difference between CEOs and PMs

2.2. What is not product management success in the eyes of the CEO

2.3. Product management success = Product management impact

2.4. The impact a PM can provide is different in Produc-driven companies and in customer-driven companies

2.5. The impact a PM can provide is different based on the product maturity within the organization

2.6. I had experience in a variety of companies and I will show you several examples from them

3. Summary

3.1. What CEO measure as a product success

3.2. Changing our mindset - Think like an Owner

3.3. Make an Impact