
cultura y patrimonio. ANDRES GONZALEZ

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Tourism by Mind Map: Tourism

1. cultural tourism

2. deals with the culture of a country or region

3. areas such as

4. geography areas history your art Architecture Religions

5. motivating the

6. experience cultural diversity

7. immerse yourself in the culture of the region

8. heritage tourism

9. it's a leisure trip

10. with the main purpose of

11. visit attractions

12. Historical Cultural Natural Recreational

13. to learn more about the past in a pleasant way

14. nature tourism

15. based on the natural attractions of the area

16. as they are

17. birds photography camping hiking hunting fishing visiting parks

18. the extreperential tourists

19. they're interested in

20. diversity of natural and cultural resources

21. be immersed in an experience

22. natural Cultural Historical

23. cultural fact

24. Where they can be exchanged

25. Knowledge and experience

26. therefore involves social interaction

27. from cultural heritage

28. tangible and immaterial

29. it's a tool

30. allows us to know and enjoy

31. Customs Traditions Languages scenic arts Festivities Rituals Beliefs folk dance Music