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CPD by Mind Map: CPD

1. Sharing ideas

2. Engaging pupils

3. Pupil Behaviour

3.1. Class Dojo

3.1.1. Videos How to add a class

3.2. Articles

3.2.1. Classroom management - Prevention

4. Videos

4.1. TED

4.2. YouTube

4.2.1. Apps

4.2.2. Examples of use

4.3. TeacherWall

4.4. Others

4.5. Webcasts

4.6. Teacher Training Videos

5. Using iPads

6. TeachMeets

6.1. Articles

6.1.1. It's fixed, do we need to break it?

7. Articles

7.1. ebooks

7.2. Government

7.2.1. Cartoons

7.3. What is the purpose of education?

7.4. Guardian

7.5. Online magazines

7.5.1. .net

7.6. Success is not a random act

7.7. Indie Teacher Blog series

7.8. Reports

7.8.1. Next Gen PDF Videos Launch of report Newsnight

7.9. Meta cognition

7.9.1. 5 min lesson on metacognition

7.10. 5 positive outcomes of reflection in action

8. Lesson Starters

8.1. Brainstorming

8.1.1. Dabbleboard Lesson ideas @simonhaughton

8.1.2. Freemind Lesson ideas undertenminutes

8.2. Thunks

8.3. Vizlingo

8.4. @simonhaughton

8.4.1. 2Connect

8.4.2. 2 minute ICT challenges

9. Resource Banks

10. Flipping the classroom

10.1. Articles

10.1.1. Video is not the answer

11. One Stop Sites

12. Humour

12.1. Images

12.1.1. Route to success

13. General Tools

14. Webinars

14.1. Teacher Learning Community

15. VLE

15.1. Coursekit

15.2. Edmodo

16. Parent contact

16.1. Humour

16.2. Articles

16.3. How do parents use ICT at work?

17. Display Boards

17.1. Making Display Boards

17.2. Example posters

18. Purpose of education

19. Ebooks

19.1. @richardbyrne