Types of Validity & Reliabilty

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Types of Validity & Reliabilty by Mind Map: Types of Validity & Reliabilty

1. Norm-Referencing Assessment

1.1. Very competitive; ranking exercise

1.2. Example: IQ Test

1.2.1. Task 1

1.2.2. Task 2

2. Criterion Referencing Assessment

2.1. Percentage based on who will passed and who will not pass

2.2. Formative

2.2.1. Task 1

2.2.2. Task 2

3. Summative Assessment

3.1. Primary focus of a student

3.2. Completion of a course

3.2.1. Task 1

3.2.2. Task 2

3.3. Can be formative depended upon feedback

3.3.1. Call 1

3.3.2. Call 2

4. Formative Assessment

4.1. Assessment is ongoing

4.2. Teacher: to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching to date, and to focus future plans

4.2.1. Task 1

4.2.2. Task 2

4.3. Student: to identify achievement and other areas of work that need further attention

4.3.1. Call 1

4.3.2. Call 2