BNI Chapter "We don't sell Memberships We Transform Lives"

A #135Model for #BNI Chapters to set a Vision and develop an action plan

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BNI Chapter "We don't sell Memberships We Transform Lives" by Mind Map: BNI Chapter "We don't sell Memberships We Transform Lives"

1. Obective 1 Grow Membership

1.1. Goal 1

1.2. Goal 2

1.3. Goal 3

1.4. Goal 4

1.5. Goal 5

2. Objective 2 Retain Members

2.1. Goal 1

2.2. Goal 2

2.3. Goal 3

2.4. Goal 4

2.5. Goal 5

3. Objective 3 Grow Revenue

3.1. Goal 1

3.2. Goal 2

3.3. Goal 3

3.4. Goal 4

3.5. Goal 5