Banana bread in Woolworths is excessively packaged in plastic.

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Banana bread in Woolworths is excessively packaged in plastic. by Mind Map: Banana bread in Woolworths is excessively packaged in plastic.

1. Banana leaf packaging

1.1. pros: - sturdy yet flexible - organic - biodegradable - easy to handle

1.2. cons - may not be readily available, especially in Australia

2. Biodegradable cellophane

2.1. pros: - biodegradable - has properties like plastic - bio-based - is harvested from sustainable farming

2.2. cons: - can't be recycled - production requires toxic carbon disulfide - can release a lot of methane if disposed wrong

3. Reusable bread bag/ bread box

3.1. pros: - reusable - easy to handle - sustainable - protects food quality and hygiene

3.2. cons: - does not replace packaging - transportation issues - does not meet client requirements (readily available, individual, slices of bread)

4. Wax cloth

4.1. pros: - waterproof - works like plastic wrap - can be reused - can last for a year+ if taken care of properly

4.2. cons: - wax melts at 62°C - might cause transportation issues - does not look like plastic - not the cheapest option