Wintriss Tech website
by Aaron VonderHaar

1. IARoC Website
1.1. Store
1.1.1. Roomba Create to Sun SPOT interface/breakout board $89
1.1.2. IARoC t-shirts $27.50
2. IARoC countdown
3. Contact Us
3.1. Contact form
4. Computer News
4.1. should go on Facebook instead
5. Videos
6. Donor Roll
6.1. Companies
6.2. Individual donors
6.3. Donations Form
6.3.1. Paypal Donate
6.4. Equipment Donations
7. Staff
8. Student Projects
8.1. Student Project Videos
9. Advancing STEM education
9.1. Success Story Videos
10. WTS Wiki
11. Newsletter subscription
12. Paypal Donate
13. Facebook Like
14. About the school
14.1. our mission / objective
14.2. Changing lives / US Technology Leadership / Customizable approach
14.3. Successes
14.3.1. News Coverage
14.3.2. Changing the future / quotes