strategic management

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strategic management by Mind Map: strategic management

1. international geographic





6. firm multinational The model was based, taking into account the cultural differences in alliances and marketing companies, then the acquisition plan of target companies was made, which were positioned brands and with distribution capacity. This strategy was favorable for its great growth in its 18 acquisitions, with a higher than expected initial performance. under the management of strategic characteristics of the region, improving competitiveness through profitable growth

7. industrial company that offers goods and services

8. the MNE’s activities, strategies, structures, and decision-making processes

9. For 2018, Nutresa created a model to strengthen the capacities for prioritization and effective involvement. on 4 stages to understand, talk, monitor and collaborate in their relationship processes with shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities, collaborators, state, consumers and buyers.

10. For 2015, its reach in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the United States and Mexico. for 2017 coverage panama, peru and dominican republic. for 2018 joint relationship of dialogues with suppliers of the Nutresa group.

11. strategic alliances with Bimbo, La Recetta Gastronomic solutions, Dan Kaffe, Andean Star, Oriental coffee alliance, among others

12. Nutresa has polycentrism an orientation, because it maintains its position in the national market (Colombia) with a 63.6% share. with a growth of 2.1% compared to 2017

13. its different channels and segments in distribution networks manage, under profitable growth, profitable growth and leadership, customer development and international expansion.

14. management Local rules strategies in local markets. local objectives adaptation with the host country. performance of positions by local managers

15. Decisions made by managers using resources to improve the performance of companies in their internal and external environments.

16. business structure through the organizational model as a company, through its development

17. structure of the company

18. business ethics



21. The National Chocolate Company is a company that started at the beginning of the 20th century, and today is known as Nutresa, which as a process of wide expansion of its food category and acquisition of other companies

22. Nutresa has a connection with more than 14 countries, with 46 manufacturing plants and its brand is available in more than 81 countries. I present a 15% increase in the sale of innovative products for 2018.

23. corporate growth through international geographical positioning, a process developed in the long term mainly due to its value chain and its positioning in capacities of the international environment.

24. Nutresa manages a vision through sustainable development, through responsible business management seeking to progress and create long-term value. The opportunities and changes that Nutresa is looking for are investments in national and international organizational companies and a transformation through this digital era. evolving in three main dimensions, processes, channels and businesses. Its long-term commitments are focused on offering consumers food that generates well-being, with regional strategic locations and with a contribution to sustainable development.

25. corporate grownth strategy