Opportunity Discovery, Creativity & Design

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Opportunity Discovery, Creativity & Design by Mind Map: Opportunity Discovery, Creativity & Design

1. Entreprenuership

1.1. Thinking styles

1.2. Collaboration

1.3. Business Model Canvas

1.3.1. Clarity of concept

2. Design Thinking

2.1. Empathy

2.2. Personas

2.3. Trust the process

2.4. Concept pivoting (rediscover a problem)

2.4.1. Necessity of flexibility / adaptability to change as required

2.5. Openness to new ideas

2.6. Letting go of your own ideas / personal inclinations

2.7. Prototyping

2.7.1. Iterations

2.8. What if

2.8.1. Organised chaos

2.9. Assumption testing

2.9.1. Uncovering assumptions through prototyping

2.10. Marketplace data

3. Opportunity Discovery

3.1. Wild ideas

3.1.1. "If anything were possible"

3.2. Adaptability / flexibility of tools (and when they are used)

4. Creativity

4.1. Ambiguity

4.2. Willingness to fail

4.3. Open mode

4.3.1. The 'What If' stage

4.3.2. The role of closed mode

4.4. Sense of play