E-building license service

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E-building license service by Mind Map: E-building license service

1. User

1.1. Apply for building license

1.2. Site plan submission

1.3. Intimation of inspection

1.4. Attachment of necessary documents

1.5. Filling required details

1.6. Makes payments

2. Town planning officer

2.1. checks the registraton details

2.2. reviews the land survey

2.2.1. violation review

2.3. enrollment of license

2.4. approval of the site

2.4.1. review the document

2.5. Generate approval

3. Admin

3.1. Maintains the system

3.2. Update the database

3.2.1. updates the completion process

3.3. Manages the site plans

4. Building Surveyor

4.1. surveys the land

4.1.1. generate reports

4.2. checks the building facilities

4.2.1. Quality assesment

4.3. Drawing up detailed plans

4.3.1. checks the safety measure

4.4. Finding structural faults