Three Levels Of Government

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Three Levels Of Government by Mind Map: Three Levels Of Government

1. land use

1.1. The municipal government is in charge of land use. the Municipal government makes sure there there's places were people can live and do more. but the municipal government knows not to make to many buildings for the animals. then the animals wouldn't know were to live.

2. Parks

3. Municipal government

4. Shared

5. Libraries

6. Roads

7. media

8. tourism

9. Snow remover

10. Property taxes

11. Water

12. Laws

12.1. All of the governments make laws to protect other people. they makes sure everyone is safe and not hurt.

13. safety

14. Police

14.1. All of the governments are in charged of the police. they make sure the police is doing there job by protecting other people.

15. water system

16. Waste management

16.1. The Municipal Government is in charged of the garbage. The Municipal government makes sure the garbage is in the trash and not out in the open. Garbage is bad for the animals so people have to stop littering.

17. Federal Government

18. Banking

18.1. The Federal government makes sure the bank is safe. The Federal government doesn't want any money stolen from other people. That's why the Federal Government is in charged of the money/bank

19. Provincial Government

20. road regulations

21. Canada post

22. Charities

23. Education

23.1. The provincial government is in charge of the education. The provincial government makes sure kids are smart so they can get a good job when they are older.

24. Health Care

24.1. The principal government is in charge of health care. The provincial government makes sure everyone is healthy.

25. Security

25.1. The Federal Government is in charge of the security. Security makes sure everyone is safe. They protect us, so nothing is stolen or wrong.

26. Licences

27. Natural resources

28. School

29. Postal service

30. Money

31. shipping

32. Railways