Cross strand projects
by Nic Patterson
1. @chrisleach78
1.1. Family History (e.g. Henry VIII)
1.1.1. Spicynodes
1.2. Battle of the Bands
1.3. Olympic Challenge
1.4. Poetry anthology
1.5. School marketing project
1.6. Christmas calendars
1.7. Young Apprenctice Magazine
1.7.1. Magazine Circulation infographics
1.8. Games Consoles
1.9. D-Day Landings
1.10. Magazines
2. @mrlockyer
2.1. Album / Book Covers
3. @teachesict
3.1. What if they had web 2.0 then?
3.1.1. Christmas 2012 - Digital Nativity
3.2. Rockhaq
3.3. Fakebook - Greek Gods
3.4. Newspaper Clipping Generator
4. @kvnmcl
4.1. Santa is lost
5. Gamifying Education
5.1. Videos
5.1.1. Extra Credits
6. Olympics
6.1. @chrisleach78
6.1.1. Olympics / world cup bid
6.2. @xannov
6.2.1. Olympics 1896 - 2012 YouTube Playlist
6.3. Videos
6.3.1. Lee Evans Cycling Heptathalon Running Swimming Gymnastics
7. #ictcurric Moodle
7.1. Chris Goodall
7.1.1. Museum Tour
7.1.2. Social Media Revolution
7.2. Unknown
7.2.1. A round the world adventure
7.2.2. Web Campaigning (Virals) - Draft
7.3. @mwclarkson
7.3.1. House Build, budget, advertise and sell