Language Adquisition

Main map about first class, first and second language

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Language Adquisition by Mind Map: Language Adquisition

1. By: Keisy Lezcano 4-793-950

2. When to start Language Learning?

2.1. It is suggested that the most efficient time to learn another language is between 6 and 13.

3. What stop children for learning?

3.1. feeling distracted

3.2. confused

3.3. boredom

3.4. being over-corrected

4. How children learn language ?

4.1. Opportunities to a second language

4.2. making associations with words

4.3. Getting involved

4.4. Exploring

4.5. Repetition

4.6. Being motivated

5. First Language

5.1. learned from birth

6. Target Language

6.1. To be learned

7. Second Language

7.1. Learned after first language,used in communication

8. The Children as a learner

9. Talk to teachers about how English is taught at school

10. Analytical processes

10.1. Deductive learners

10.2. Inductive learners

11. Interaction Preferences

11.1. interpersonal learners

11.2. intrapersonal learners

12. Dominant Senses

12.1. reading

12.2. visual learning

12.3. physical learning

13. Try to introduce your children in a learning method they are not working

14. Getting parents involved

14.1. Become familiar with ,materials

14.2. Help them with homeworks

14.3. Yoursel, get involved with the language.

14.4. Zero-sum Game

15. Get to know how your children learn

16. Mother Tongue

16.1. Learnt at home (parents)

17. Foreign Language

17.1. Not normally used for communication