How I spend my time

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How I spend my time by Mind Map: How I spend my time

1. Time with friends

1.1. Room mates

1.2. Sorority

1.3. Other friends

1.4. Joshua (fiance)

2. Sleep

2.1. Every Night

2.1.1. Not enough hours!!

2.2. Naps

2.2.1. Very ocassionally

3. Intern 1

3.1. Mondays and Wednesdays

3.2. Lesson Planning

3.3. Reflections

4. Class

4.1. physical class time

4.2. Homework

4.3. projects

4.3.1. Individual

4.3.2. group Meetings

5. Hobbies

5.1. Painting

5.1.1. Canvas

5.1.2. Physical objects

5.2. Reading

5.2.1. Novels

5.2.2. Fiction

5.2.3. Class reading

5.3. Crafts

5.3.1. Cross stich

5.3.2. Crochet

5.3.3. knitting

5.4. Writing

5.4.1. Poetry

5.4.2. Journal

5.4.3. Possible Future book