by Tareva Larkin
1. Notes
1.1. Validity
1.2. Reliability
1.3. Accuracy
1.4. Content Validity
1.5. Criterion Validity
1.6. Concurrent & Predictive Evidence
1.7. Construct Validity Evidence
2. Content Validity
2.1. Correlates new test with a accepted one
3. Objects of Validity
3.1. Validity
3.1.1. Test measure's what it's suppose to
3.2. Reliability
3.2.1. Defined
3.2.2. Do you think the test yields the same or even become similar score rankings consistently?
3.3. Accuracy
3.3.1. Defined
3.3.2. The test score come approximately to an individuals true level of ability and or skill and apitude