Communication in Project Management

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Communication in Project Management by Mind Map: Communication in Project Management

1. Working with People

1.1. Working with Individuals

1.1.1. Emotional Intelligence

1.1.2. Personality Types

1.1.3. Leadership Styles

1.1.4. Leadership Skills Listening Negotiation Conflict Resolution Delegation

1.2. Working with Groups/Teams

1.2.1. Trust

1.2.2. Team Meetings

1.2.3. Team Types

1.2.4. Performance Assessment

2. Working with Clients

2.1. Values and Expectations

2.1.1. Clarify/Manage Expectations

2.1.2. Clarify Values

2.1.3. Deal Fairly with Client

2.2. Client Expectations

2.2.1. Management Styles

2.2.2. Including Client on Teams

2.2.3. Educating Client from Beginning

2.3. Dealing with Problems

2.3.1. Standards and Procedues

2.3.2. Timeliness

2.3.3. Methods for Revisiting Decisons

3. Sychronous and Asynchronous

3.1. Time Zones

3.2. Technology

3.3. Culture

4. Project Culture

4.1. Priority/Status/Alignment

4.2. Awareness of Differences

4.3. Focus: Innovation or Improvement?

5. Stakeholder Management

5.1. Identifying Stakeholders

5.2. Project Politics

6. Service Level Agreements

6.1. Scope

6.2. Outcome

6.3. Key Stakeholders

6.4. Timeline/Milestones

6.5. Deadlines