MICROSOFT CORP is an amercican multinational technology company

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MICROSOFT CORP is an amercican multinational technology company by Mind Map: MICROSOFT CORP is an amercican multinational technology company

1. Office Suite

1.1. Excell

1.2. Word

1.3. PowerPoint

1.4. Access

1.5. One Note

1.5.1. They can be obtained through a license

1.6. Publisher

1.7. Project

1.8. Share Print

2. Products

2.1. OS Windows

2.2. Xbox

2.3. Skype

2.3.1. They can be found for free

2.4. Internet Explorer

3. Services

3.1. Bing

3.2. Linkedin

3.3. One Drive

3.4. Xbox Live

3.4.1. They are accessed through an internet browser

3.5. MSN

3.6. Outlook

4. Employees

4.1. 144,106 (2019)

4.1.1. from different countries

5. CEO

5.1. Satya Nadella

6. Headquaters

6.1. Redmond, Washington, EEUU

7. Founded

7.1. April 4, 1975. Albuquerque, New Mexico, EEUU

7.1.1. Bill Gates

7.1.2. Paul Allen

8. Software development

8.1. Mission

8.1.1. To train all people in the computer field