Socialization of Immigrant Families

In preparation for the Literature Review

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Socialization of Immigrant Families by Mind Map: Socialization of Immigrant Families

1. How children are affected

1.1. Differences in perception of values: Chan, H.-W., & Tam, K.-P. (2016). Understanding the Lack of Parent–Child Value Similarity: The Role of Perceived Norms in Value Socialization in Immigrant Families. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(5), 651–669.

1.2. Ayon, C., Tran, A. G., Nieri, T. (2019). Ethnic–Racial Socialization Practices Among Latino Immigrant Families: A Latent Profile Analysis. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science. 68(2), 246-259.

2. What research has been done

3. Trans-national ties that bring together immigrant families

3.1. Lin, W.-Y., Song, H., & Ball-Rokeach, S. (2010). Localizing the Global: Exploring the Transnational Ties that Bind in New Immigrant Communities. Journal of Communication, 60(2), 205-229.

4. Parent perception of child's socialization

4.1. Iturbide, M. I., Gutiérrez, V., Munoz, L., & Raffaelli, M. (2019). “They Learn to Convivir”: Immigrant Latinx Parents’ Perspectives on Cultural Socialization in Organized Youth Activities. Journal of Adolescent Research, 34(3), 235–260.

5. Effect of Socioeconomic Status

5.1. On academic expectations: Yamamoto, Y., Li, J., & Liu, J. L. (2016). Does Socioeconomic Status Matter for Chinese Immigrants’ Academic Socialization? Family Environment, Parental Engagement, and Preschoolers’ Outcomes. Research in Human Development, 13(3), 191–206.

6. What socializing activities parents participate in and how this affects their parenting

6.1. Dynamics of communities found

7. Gap to address in new, qualitative research

8. How Immigrant parents experience the socialization of another culture on their children

8.1. bi-directional effects of parenting

9. How do parents of immigrant families experience the effects of socialization of another culture on their children?