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Cloud Computing by Mind Map: Cloud Computing

1. Cloud Applications

1.1. Energy

1.2. Manufacturing

1.3. Mobile Communications

1.4. Education

1.5. Government

1.6. Transport

2. Cloud Security Concerns

2.1. Privacy Issues

2.2. Security

3. Cloud Based Projects






4. Evolution till Cloud Computing

4.1. Computing enters world (1960)

4.1.1. Computing came to business world.

4.2. Mainframe Computing

4.2.1. Advantages Helped business to carry out some mundane and routine jobs such as payroll, account, inventory thus sparing employees from tedious jobs.

4.2.2. Dis-Advantages Centralized model of computing. Anyone who wants computing must go to the computer center for availing it.

4.3. Personal Computing (1980)

4.4. Client Server Computing

4.5. Cluster Computing

4.6. Grid Computing

4.7. Web 2.0 Business Models

4.8. Cloud Computing (Today)

4.9. Mobile Cloud Computing

5. Cloud Examples

5.1. IBM BlueMix

5.2. Google App Engine

5.3. Amazon Web Services

5.4. Meghraj

6. Many Definitions

6.1. Teachers

6.1.1. Survival Tool

6.2. Students

6.2.1. Tool of Tomorrow

6.3. Everybody

6.3.1. New Writing Slate

6.3.2. New Learning Habitat

6.3.3. New Phenomenon

6.3.4. Upholding Values

6.3.5. Sharing useful thoughts

6.3.6. Liberating Technology

6.3.7. Democratic Technology

6.4. Opportunity

6.4.1. Start-Ups

6.4.2. Enterpreneurs

6.4.3. Students

6.4.4. Freelancers

7. Essential Characteristics

7.1. On Demand Self-Service

7.2. Ubiqitous Network Access

7.3. Rapid Elasticity

7.4. Location Independent Resource Pooling

7.5. Measured Service

8. Cloud Computing/for Whom ?

8.1. Medical Field

8.2. Parents

8.3. National Purposes

8.4. Cloud Cricket

8.5. Cloud Election

8.6. Cloud Movie

8.7. Government

9. Foundational Elements

9.1. Virtualization

9.1.1. Hypervisors Types

9.2. Distributed Computing

9.3. Autonomic Systems

9.4. Grid Technology

9.5. Broadband Networks

9.6. Web 2.0

9.7. Service Oriented Architecture

9.8. Free and Open Source Software

9.9. Web Application Frameworks

9.10. Browser as a Platform

9.11. Service Level Agreements

9.12. Utility Computing

10. Key Terms

10.1. Service

10.2. Service Delivery

10.3. Network

10.4. Cloud Computing

10.5. SOA

10.6. Security

10.7. Privacy

10.8. Clinet

10.9. Ubility

10.10. Data Center

10.11. Cloud Service

10.12. Service Models

10.13. Cluster Computing

10.14. Cloud Storage

10.15. Cloud Application

10.16. Cloud Database

10.17. Cloud Operating System

10.18. Cloud Consumer

10.19. Cloud Broker

10.20. Cloud Auditor

10.21. Cloud Carrier

10.22. Cloud Engineering

10.23. Virtualization

10.24. Grid Computing

11. Cloud Stake Holders

11.1. Cloud Consumer

11.1.1. User

11.2. Cloud Auditor

11.2.1. Security Audit

11.2.2. Privacy Impact Audit

11.2.3. Performance Audit

11.3. Cloud Provider

11.3.1. Service Layer SaaS PaaS IaaS

11.3.2. Physical Resource Layer Hardware Facility

11.3.3. Resource Abstraction & Control Layer

11.3.4. Cloud Service Management Business Support Provisioning / Configuration Portability/Interoperability

11.4. Cloud Broker

11.4.1. Service Intermediation

11.4.2. Service Aggregation

11.4.3. Service Arbitrage

11.5. Cloud Carrier

12. Deployment Models

12.1. Private

12.2. Public

12.3. Hybrid

12.4. Community

13. Cloud Service Delivery Models

13.1. SaaS

13.1.1. Meaning

13.1.2. Characteristics

13.1.3. Limitations

13.2. PaaS

13.2.1. Meaning

13.2.2. Characteristics

13.2.3. Limitations

13.3. IaaS

13.3.1. Meaning

13.3.2. Characteristics

13.3.3. Limitations

13.4. .....

13.5. XaaS

13.5.1. Here anything is available as a service over the browser

14. Sources

14.1. NIST

14.2. Blog