Student Agency

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Student Agency by Mind Map: Student Agency

1. students initiate action in reaching goals

1.1. choice

1.2. voice

1.3. free will

1.4. freedom

1.5. autonomy

1.6. individual volition

1.7. ownership

2. students reflect on and regulate progress

2.1. self-reflectiveness

2.2. self-evaluation

2.3. self control

2.4. perseverance

2.5. grit

3. students have a belief in self-efficiency

3.1. growth mindest

3.2. empowerment

3.3. self-efficacy

4. students take active roles in their education

4.1. school isn't just done to them

4.2. involved and aware

4.3. take responsibility

5. students set advantageous goals

5.1. awareness

5.2. forethought

5.3. intentionality

5.4. planful competence