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1. Transform fault

1.1. Unlike divergent and convergent, the plates here slip by each other. This is also called Strike-Slip.

1.1.1. Types of Transform fault Fracture zone – A junction between oceanic crustal regions of different ages on the same plate left by a transform fault Leaky transform fault – A transform fault with volcanic activity along a significant portion of its length producing new crust.

2. Divergent boundary

2.1. plates are forced apart each other, usually forming a Rift Zone. This kind is common in ocean floors where new floors are created. An example is the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

2.1.1. Examples of Divergent boundary Mid-Atlantic Ridge Red Sea Rift Baikal Rift Zone East African Rift East Pacific Rise Gakkel Ridge Galapagos Rise Explorer Ridge Juan de Fuca Ridge Pacific-Antarctic Ridge West Antarctic Rift Great Rift Valley

3. Convergent boundary

3.1. one plate is forced over another plate during movement creating a thrust fault.

3.1.1. Three Types of Convergent Boundaries Oceanic/Oceanic Convergent Boundaries Where different oceanic plates run into each other, the older – and therefore cooler and denser – one dives beneath the other; in other words, it subducts. Oceanic/Continental Convergent Boundaries Where oceanic and continental plates collide, the former subducts beneath the latter because ocean crust – rich in iron and magnesium – is denser than continental rock.