Can a Soaring Market for the Ethical use Commercial Drones , Survive growing concerns of Privacy...

Simulation from Conflict Resolution 305

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Can a Soaring Market for the Ethical use Commercial Drones , Survive growing concerns of Privacy Concerns? by Mind Map: Can a Soaring Market for the Ethical use Commercial Drones , Survive growing concerns of  Privacy Concerns?

1. Scavenge for useability

2. Energy sources

3. Initial priority on medical needs

4. Skills cross training

5. Motors gas or electric to strip core for windings

6. Food sources (garden) from collected seeds From discarded food sources and plants

7. Skills based assignments

7.1. ghvhvhg

8. Goals for sustainability

9. Use solar energy to generate water

10. From assets explore solar options and store captured energy for nighttime use

11. Assess available skill sets

12. Radio Broadcaster

13. Gen. Consensus on Electing a 5 person panel for a position to the Authority of Community Governances (ACG)

13.1. Authority of Community Governance

14. Bernie's 3-year plan for an attempt of surviving and thriving through sustainability and redevelopment