1. Keywords
1.1. "given that"
1.1.1. Taking the fact into account
1.2. "limitations"
1.2.1. a limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction
1.3. "multiplicity"
1.3.1. a large number of variety
1.4. "theories"
1.4.1. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained
1.5. "understand"
1.5.1. perceive the intended meaning of / interpret or view in a particular way
1.6. "world"
1.6.1. the earth / a particular region or group of countries
1.7. "Discuss"
1.7.1. talk about with a person or people
2. Key Phrases
2.1. "given that"
2.1.1. assume true that
2.2. "limitations"
2.2.1. exceptions / flaws / unresolved elements
2.3. "multiplicity of views"
2.3.1. different views and perspectives
2.4. "understand the world"
2.4.1. explain natural phenomenon
2.5. "discuss"
2.5.1. offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors and hypothesis
3. Rewrite
3.1. "Since all explanations contain flaws, different views are required to better understand natural phenomenon." Reflect on this statement and offer balanced arguments.
4. Rewrite
4.1. The role of falsification in biology improves the quality of knowledge production
4.2. The availability of different historical views offer critical debate, therefore improving the quality of knowledge production
5. Connections to Classes
5.1. Subject 1
5.1.1. Biology AOK: Natural Sciences RLE/PK connection: Watson and Crick's model of the structure of DNA Their initial proposed structure of DNA was falsified and not approved. Their final model was built based on Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction data
5.2. Subject 2
5.2.1. History AOK: History RLE/PK connection: Understanding how Mao came to power in 1949 Different historians have different views on what Mao's thoughts were The emergence of 'post-Mao revisionist' historians after Mao's death in 1976