Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies.

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Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies. by Mind Map: Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies.

1. My personal experiences: Diego Andrade

2. TOOLBOX: Online tools

2.1. Overview of possible communication tools.

2.2. Guidelines and instructions.

2.2.1. Slack.

2.2.2. Zoom tutorials.

2.2.3. Google drive tutorial.

2.3. Tips about use of technology.

3. TOOLBOX: Privacy and your digital footprint

3.1. Your Digital Footprint Matters.

3.1.1. What is a digital footprint? It is an individual's unique set of online digital activities that are traceable.

3.1.2. Why You Should Be Aware Of Your Digital Footprint.

3.1.3. Are digital footprints a problem?

3.1.4. How Does Legislation Affect Digital Footprints?

3.1.5. The problem of digital oversharing.

4. TOOLBOX: Digital literacies

4.1. Understanding digital literacies

4.1.1. Reflect on where one is on the visitor-resident continuum in different contexts and when using different tools.

4.1.2. Learn about the essentials of digital literacies (, and then start to explore a few tools and to mix ones individual interest with issues of importance to develop digital literacies, to facilitate the inner drive to learn.

4.2. Learn about the essentials of digital literacies (The essential elements of digital literacies: Doug Belshaw at TEDxWarwick and then start to explore a few tools and to mix ones individual interest with issues of importance to develop digital literacies, to facilitate the inner drive to learn.

4.2.1. Understanding your level of digital literacy is not all that matters! Literacy in Today’s Society


6. NOTE: Information about GDPR

7. NOTE: Legal aspects of your online presence