Ontario Education

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Ontario Education by Mind Map: Ontario Education

1. School Board

1.1. - Responsible for decisions regarding funding distributions among schools.

1.2. Responsible for implementing programs the need for community well being and improvement.

1.3. - Strictly follow policy and regulations.

1.4. - Responsible for deciding and approving appropriate texts and books for curricula study and enhancement.

2. Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)

2.1. - Responsible for developing administering and evaluating tests across a range of grades to evaluate the success rates of the provinces students across a range of subjects (specifically math and language).

2.2. - Work on the development of curriculum to support learning success and improvement.

2.3. - Must document and report tests results to the Ministry of Education.

3. Ontario Federation of Teachers

3.1. - Advocates for pension plan.

3.2. - Represent all teachers in the provinces publicly funded schools.

3.3. - Provide practical programs to support teachers. (Edvatage)

3.4. - Creates seminars, conferences, and lesson plans where teachers can learn more about their profession and become better educators.

4. Principles

4.1. - Responsible for the operation of their individual schools and the records of their students (as in report cards)

4.2. - responsible for disciplinary actions such as suspensions.

4.3. - They are responsible for enforcing policy and procedures.

5. Parents

5.1. - Must insure their child's ability to access and be in attendance to an approved educational institution.

5.2. - Must actively coordinate communication with teachers to keep updated on their child's learning progress, behavior and any other possible concerns shared by either party.

5.3. - Must encourage their child to behave in accordance with the teachers classroom rules and regulations for behavior, as well as encourage their child to listen and take direction from educational staff as authority figures.

5.4. - Must take an active interest and role in their child's education, progress and learning.

6. Ministry of Education

6.1. - Develops education laws and policy as well as curriculum.

6.2. - Responsible for distributing funding numbers to school boards and deciding how much funding each board will receive.

6.3. - Responsible for the proper administration of educational regulations.

7. Trustees

7.1. - Administrators of policy.

7.2. - Advocate for the communities education.

7.3. -Locally elected representatives of the public for education.

7.4. - Must maintain a focus on student achievement, well-being and equity.

7.5. - Responsible for decisions that benefit the board while continuing to represent the interests of the public that elected them.

8. Ontario College of Teachers

8.1. - A regulatory college for the teaching profession in Ontario.

8.2. - Licenses, governs and regulates the practice of teaching.

9. Teachers

9.1. - Providers of educational content.

9.2. - Responsible for creating a safe and supportive classroom environment.

9.3. - Role models and representatives of Ontario Teachers Inside and outside the classroom always.

9.4. - Encourages students learning and healthy educational attitudes by modeling positive supportive behavior and by delivery of structured organized curricula through various modes and methods of teaching.

10. Students

10.1. - Student must follow a list of responsibilities...

10.2. - They must adhere to and be punctual and present in attendance.

10.3. - They must respect their fellow students and accept and respect their teachers as authority figures.

10.4. - They must accept and listen to teacher criticism and follow teacher direction.

10.5. - They must maintain and conduct in appropriate classroom behavior. They are also responsible for their own behavior.

10.6. - They must be willing and active participants in their own education.