What does inquiry in Social Studies look like?

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What does inquiry in Social Studies look like? by Mind Map: What does inquiry in Social Studies look like?

1. Galileo Inquiry Rubric:

1.1. Authenticity

1.2. Academic Rigour

1.3. Assessment

1.4. Life Skills

1.5. Appropriate Use of technology

1.6. Active Exploration

1.7. Connecting with Experts

1.8. Elaborated Communication

1.9. Compassion

2. Teacher who is rigorously pursuing inquiry in the area of their subject matter and is inviting students along as peers in that discourse.

3. Apprenticeship model of teaching

4. Students are producing interesting, creative, sophisticated work.

5. Kids are learning how to behave, act, and think in the way of the discipline.

6. Authenticity: Students engaged in work that is rooted in the real world, wrestling with meaning and relevant questions, issues and controversies.

7. Dangerous teaching: teaching that engages students in the often unasked questions about the "what and how" students learn in schools, connecting schools to broader debates over what is worth knowing.

8. Empowering students to have an impact.

9. When students are engaging in the world. It is humanities: studying what it is to be human.

10. Connecting the Social Studies curriculum to the real world.

11. Involves blogs which include: Project ideas, Assessment practices, Student work, PD materials, and Interviews with teachers/students.

12. Academic Rigour: students working in ways or behaviours that mirror the discipline outside of school. (eg: How do historians think, act, work and produce knowledge?)

12.1. Critical Thinking Consortium

12.2. Benchmarks of historical thinking

12.3. Throughline Questions

13. Bringing what is important about topic, yet students are able to find space in it to explore, research and find their voice.

14. Inquiry based units include a driving questions or ways to connect deeper issues.

15. Authentic Questions and Topics

16. Being clear about what are ways of thinking that were trying to nurture in our students, habits of minds and moving beyond factual recall and traditional ways of teaching.