What does inquiry in SS look like?

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What does inquiry in SS look like? by Mind Map: What does inquiry in SS look like?

1. Having students behave in the way of the discipline and not just studying it.

2. Develop ways to think in the many disciplines of SS (economics, politicalscience, geography, history, etc.)

3. Having students produce work that has lasting value and is worth learning.

4. Listen and relate to the students ideas.

5. Have a focus topic, but allow for students to bring in their own thoughts and ideas and work with the topic.

6. Use historical benchmarks to link events and help answer questions. Helps to understand what has historical significance.

7. Have compassion for the subject and the researched issues.

8. Allow for active exploration through use of technology and communication with peers and experts.

9. Based on a driving question.

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10. Not focused simply activities, but about questioning information.

11. Has a relation to real world issues (authentic).

12. Dealing with issues and questions through multiple perspectives and become aware of biases.

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13. Has a rigorous component, teacher is passionate and is rigorously pursuing inquiry in SS.

14. Develop critical or dangerous thinking. Engage students in unasked and controversial questions. Help students to link this to their own lives, the subject matter and society in general.

15. Encourage projects that can be useful to the public (e.g. forums, informative sites or writings).