Scalable Software

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Scalable Software by Mind Map: Scalable Software

1. Technical Skills

1.1. JEE / JBoss Enterprise

1.1.1. ESB

1.1.2. JMS

1.1.3. jPDL

1.1.4. Drools

1.2. Web Services

1.2.1. WSDL

1.2.2. SOAP

1.2.3. REST

1.2.4. XSD

1.2.5. XSLT

1.2.6. XML

1.2.7. XPATH

1.3. Persistence

1.3.1. JPA

1.3.2. Hibernate

1.3.3. Oracle

1.3.4. MySQL

1.4. Core Java

1.4.1. JEE

1.4.2. Spring

1.4.3. Agile

1.4.4. Scala

1.4.5. Clojue

1.4.6. TDD

1.5. Broswer UI

1.5.1. HTML5

1.5.2. CSS

1.5.3. JavaScript

1.5.4. JSF

1.5.5. JSP

1.5.6. MVC

1.6. Cloud

1.6.1. MultiAZ Architecture

1.6.2. Horizontal Auto Scaling

1.6.3. Rackspace

1.6.4. AppEngine

1.6.5. EC2

1.7. Build

1.7.1. Eclipse

1.7.2. Maven

1.7.3. Nexus

1.7.4. Hudson

1.7.5. Tomcat

1.7.6. Jetty

1.7.7. Linux

1.7.8. Windows

2. Mind Mapping

2.1. Xmind

2.2. MindJet

2.3. MindMeister

2.4. Think Buzzan

2.5. Wise Mapping

2.6. Free Mind

3. Business Skills

3.1. Analysis

3.1.1. Business Analysis

3.1.2. Workflow Solutions

3.1.3. Process Mapping

3.1.4. Design Patterns

3.1.5. Costing

3.2. Leadership

3.2.1. Software Outsource Management

3.2.2. Partner Technical Lead

3.2.3. Senior A/P

3.3. Methodologies

3.3.1. Agile

3.3.2. SDLC

3.3.3. Scrum

3.3.4. XP

4. Blue Chip Experience

4.1. NZ

4.1.1. Orcon

4.2. OZ

4.2.1. Telstra

4.3. UK

4.3.1. British Telecom

4.3.2. British Petroleum

4.3.3. Tate & Lyle Sugars

5. Key Deliverables

5.1. Intranet Productivity Suites

5.2. Landline & Mobile Tariffing

5.3. SOA Process Driven Provisioning

5.4. Bonus Payments & Forecasting

5.5. Abstract API Proxies / Parsers

5.6. Billing and Tariffing Systems

6. Contact

6.1. [email protected]


6.3. skype:paul.crimes

6.4. +64 (09) 8899-432