What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like?

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What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like? by Mind Map: What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like?

1. how you approach the topic

2. connection with students

2.1. listening

2.1.1. relate questions

3. compassion

4. life skills

5. connecting with experts

6. appropriate use of technology

7. active exploration

8. connect what you love, to what you need to teach

9. work that is worth doing

10. acting as the profession

11. is this something I would want to do?

11.1. Is this something that I find interesting?

12. narrow it down

12.1. where are you going?

13. What it is to be human

13.1. New node

14. real world, human connections

15. complicated

15.1. messy


17. time worthy

18. choosing the right resources

19. producing value into the community

20. feeling like you have made a difference

20.1. being proud

20.1.1. showing off your work for others to eplore