The Cold War
by Elijah DeJonge
1. Soviet Communism
2. Soviets spread communism to other countries in Europe
3. Winston Churchill described the Soviets want for power as an "Iron Curtain".
4. Soviets develop atomic and nuclear weapons.
5. Many countries try to develop the atomic bomb.
6. Korean and Viatnamese wars caused by the spread of communism.
7. The computer messes up so this helps me find my way back.
8. Cuba states it is allies with the Soviets.
9. The Cuban Missle Crisis occurs.
10. Communist party in Poland is overthrown.
11. Soviet Empire falls
12. The war ends.
13. Elijah DeJonge
14. Soviets want for power
15. Berlin was blocked off from trade by Soviet rules.
16. Americans and the British supplied Berlin through the air.
17. World Warr II
18. Nuclear weopons increase in the U.S.
19. Soviet nuclear weapons increase.
20. Soviets build more tanks.
21. The Sputnik was launched, causing fear and the space race.
22. Belin Wall created.
23. Berlin Wall falls.
24. Ben Weaver