What Does Inquiry in Social Studies Look Like?

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What Does Inquiry in Social Studies Look Like? by Mind Map: What Does Inquiry in Social Studies Look Like?

1. Asks why

2. Bring your interests into the classroom

3. Academic rigor

3.1. Critical thinking consortium

3.2. Benchmarks of historical thinking

3.3. Thoughline questions

4. Trying on new roles and sampling new identities

4.1. Not just study it but be like it

5. Engage in their active world

6. Getting students to bring about change

7. Collaberation

8. Have to ask yourself if the activity you have planned is something you would want to do

9. Throughline questioning

9.1. How they connect to themselves, subject matter, and society in which they live

10. Real world issues

10.1. Controversy

11. Hardest part is asking the right questions

12. Content involves the real world

13. Human connections

14. Critical or Dangerous Teaching

14.1. Making connections to the "what and how"