What does Inquiry in Social Studies look like?

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What does Inquiry in Social Studies look like? by Mind Map: What does Inquiry in Social Studies look like?

1. Elements of Inquiry

1.1. Authenticity

1.1.1. Students engaged in work that is rooted in the real world, wrestling with meaning and relevant questions, issues and controversies. "Finding the heart!"

1.2. Academic Rigor

1.2.1. Students working in ways or behaviours that mirror disciplines outside of school. How do historians think, act, work and produce knowledge? They do not just get it from a textbook.

1.2.2. The Critical Thinking Consortium Weight Evidence Identify Bias Determine Perspective

1.2.3. Benchmarks of Historical Thinking Establish Historical Significance Use Primary Source Evidence Identify Continuity and Change Analyze Cause and Consequence Take Historical Perspectives Understand Ethical Dimensions of History

1.2.4. Throughline Questions Ask provocative and relevant questions that encourage teachers and students to make connections between themselves, subject matter, and the society in which they live.

1.3. Assessment

1.4. Life Skills

1.5. Appropriate Use of Technology

1.6. Active Exploration

1.7. Connecting with Experts

1.8. Elaborated Communication

1.9. Compassion

2. Inquiry is:

2.1. Your disposition towards your topic.

2.2. Your approach to the content.

2.3. How you think about what is important.

2.4. The questions and topic you bring to your students.

2.5. How you relate and listen to the students.

3. Activity Based vs. Inquiry Based

3.1. "Apples vs. Why these apples?"