What does Inquiry in SS look like?

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What does Inquiry in SS look like? by Mind Map: What does Inquiry in SS look like?

1. taking learning out of school

2. Authenticity

2.1. getting students to engage in work rooted in real world

2.2. finding heart of what's really happening on current events, issues and controversies

2.3. working beyond student-teacher relationship by bringing work into public space e.g., convincing college students to vote, giving value back to community

2.4. finding opportunities for students to become agents of change

3. bringing students into topics that are contentious, controversial

4. connecting classroom to the world

5. involving many disciplines of study

6. moving beyond activity mania - having a driving question to find ways to connect to deeper issues

7. empowering students to have a voice and bring about change

8. Academic Rigour

8.1. Critical thinking - making judgments on evidence and criteria

8.2. Benchmarks of historical thinking - having students think, act, work and produce knowledge like historians

8.2.1. establish historical sigificance

8.2.2. use primary source of evidence

8.2.3. identify continuity and change

8.2.4. analyze cause and consequence

8.2.5. take historical perspectives

8.2.6. understand ethical dimensions of history

8.3. Throughline Questioning-asking provocative and relevant questions that encourage teachers and students to make connections between

8.3.1. themselves

8.3.2. subject matter

8.3.3. society in which they live critical or dangerous teaching - getting kids to critic society