What Does Inquiry In Social Studies Look Like?

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What Does Inquiry In Social Studies Look Like? by Mind Map: What Does Inquiry In Social Studies Look Like?

1. "Disposition towards the topic you teach"

2. Galileo Inquiry Rubric

2.1. Authentic

2.2. Academic Rigor

2.3. Assessment

2.4. Life Skills

2.5. Appropriate Use of Technology

2.6. Active Exploration

2.7. Connecting with Experts

2.8. Elaborated Communication

2.9. Compassion

3. Activities

3.1. Need to be something that the teacher would be interested in and would want to do as well.

3.2. Authentic and Academic Rigor

3.3. Related to the real world

3.4. What questions are important and need to be addressed?

3.5. Messy as well as a balanced focus

3.6. Allow for deep connections

4. Student Learning

4.1. What do we want students to get better at?

5. Planning

5.1. Plan for students to learn what is important in a subject and leave space for students to make the learning their own.

5.2. Choose resources that are going to hook the kids and make them feel that what they are doing is interesting and important.

6. Questioning

6.1. A driving question that helps the students connect to deeper meaning.

7. Resources

7.1. What would an expert in this field use? (ie a historian wouldn't use a text book)

7.2. Bring in Experts in the area/topic

7.3. Students document the learning that they have made from these resources (wiki)

7.4. Give students a platform for their learning

8. Historical Thinking

8.1. Use "Benchmarks of Historical Thinking"

8.2. Establish historical significance

8.3. Use primary source evidence

8.4. Identify continuity and change

8.5. Analyze cause and consequence

8.6. Take historical perspectives

8.7. Understand ethical dimensions of history

8.8. Move beyond factual recall

9. Throughline Questioning

9.1. "Teachers ask provocative and relevant questions that encourage students to make connections between: self, subject matter and the society in which they live in. "

9.2. Can change into: critical or dangerous teaching where students critique ideas.

9.3. Students are encouraged to act and are given a voice and a platform.

10. Authenticity

10.1. Engaged in work related to the real world

10.2. Wrestle with meaning and relevant questions

10.3. Deal with Controversies

11. Kids learning to behave and act in a way of a profession.

12. Lasting Effects

12.1. "Sophistication of your kids work. If your kids are producing work that is worth doing and has lasting value and learning that is worth learning, then you're a good teacher."

13. Rigor

13.1. "Passionate adult who is rigorously pursing inquiry in the area of their subject matter and inviting peers/students into that discussion"

13.2. Apprenticeship

13.3. Work Worth Doing

14. Impact

14.1. Students have an impact on what their learning

14.2. See connections between the curriculum and what they're learning and why it's important

15. Critical Thinking

15.1. Making judgments on evidence

15.2. Use "The Critical Thinking Consortium"

15.3. Differentiate the thinking charts and how students analyze work