How does vouchers and charter schools affect students and the educational system of the U.S.?

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How does vouchers and charter schools affect students and the educational system of the U.S.? by Mind Map: How does vouchers and charter schools affect students and the educational system of the U.S.?

1. Who is supposed to benefit from these alternatives?

1.1. Charters and vouchers are sold as means for disadvantaged populations to receive better education and more routinely escape cycle of poverty

1.1.1. middle and upper class tend to reap the most benefits

1.1.2. poorer communities are stuck in less funded public schools and are worse off than before

1.2. Charters and vouchers programs are supposed to give parents the ability to further enrich their child's education/ find a better fit for their needs

1.2.1. Disabled students are not required to be accommodated, private and charter school must do so voluntarily

1.2.2. Teachers of private and charter schools are not required to maintain the same qualifications as public school teachers

1.2.3. Parents don't assume that they need to extensively research the credibility of schools

2. How these "alternative solutions" distract and from better methods/ what their unintended consequences are

2.1. Public schools should be given more autonomy and flexibility so they can better accommodate the needs of their individual situation

2.2. Schools become more segregated

2.3. various options should be available for parents, but they need to be transparent and credible

2.4. disabled students, poor students, and students with low test scores are impacted the most negatively

3. Who supports these alternative and who opposes them?

3.1. There is a split within political parties

3.2. Betsy DeVous

4. Current educational climate

4.1. Dissatisfaction with public schools

4.1.1. lack of autonomy

4.2. increased demand for school choice

4.2.1. voucher programs

4.2.2. charter schools

4.3. Dissatisfaction with the high cost of private schooling

4.3.1. means certain people are stuck in nonperforming public schools

5. Governmental spending

5.1. charters and vouchers are reported to cost less per student

5.1.1. why? deceptive calculations

5.1.2. public schools have to accommodate student needs

5.2. Public money funding private institutions (vouchers)

6. Conclusion

6.1. Universal vouchers in Chile

6.2. Tallahassee: Imagine school failure

6.3. What does the future of education in the United States look like