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Rhinosinusitis by Mind Map: Rhinosinusitis

1. Labs/Diagnostics

1.1. History and Physical

1.2. Endoscopic Examination

1.3. CT(only when severe)

2. Manifestations

2.1. Pain/Pressure

2.2. Nasal Drainage

2.2.1. Clear: Viral

2.2.2. Green: Bacterial

2.3. Fever

3. Medications

3.1. Decongestants

3.2. Nasal Spray

3.3. Broad Spectrum Antibiotics (Bacterial)

4. Complications

4.1. Meningitis

4.2. Abscess

4.3. Celulitis

5. Nursing Interventions

5.1. management of symptoms

5.2. Administer medications

5.3. Teach patient about medication regimen and adherence to treatment plan

6. Pathophysiology

6.1. Interference with normal sinus drainage.

6.2. Seasonal Allergies

6.2.1. Swelling blocks the flow of secretions from the sinuses which become infected.

6.3. Most episodes are caused by bacterial and viral infections.

7. Collaborative Goals

7.1. Rest/Fluids

7.2. Relieve Congestion

7.3. Prevent Spreading Infection to Others